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New generation of
principled leaders

Through a combination of hard skills, inner transformation, immersive experiences across India and a non partisan community, ISD nurtures principled leaders with moral courage and imagination to achieve sarvodaya.


The 3 main programs under ISD


The Good Politician


She Represents

शक्ति भी सक्षम भी


Democracy Express

राजनीति से लोकनीति

The Good Politician

ISD's The Good Politician is for aspiring politicians who are looking to contest elections over the next few years. This executive model program is designed in 3 cycles of residentials (2 weeks each) with field time in between (3-4 months) in their own work areas. Residentials are full time including travel and immersion in different parts of india. When the participants are on the field, they attend weekly online session, while engaging on the ground in political activities. The program provides an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum; an excellent faculty - a mix of academics and practitioners across the political spectrum; and an opportunity to immerse in the different realities across the country through travel. 

Applications for The Good Politician 2023 are now open

The Good Politician

She Represents

शक्ति भी सक्षम भी

She Represents is a 7-day leadership program exclusively designed for 40 local elected women representatives selected from across India. This is a hybrid program- 5 days in Delhi and 2 days online.


This is a unique opportunity for women leaders to develop their governance and policy analysis skills, communication and public speaking, leadership and build networks with top women leaders from across India.  They will get to learn from senior political leaders, women MPs, top bureaucrats, governance experts, etc.

She Represents

Democracy Express

राजनीति से लोकनीति

Democracy Express 2023 is a 9 day immersive learning journey across the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh with 50 young political leaders who will be selected from various states of India.

In these 9 days, participants will immerse in the regional political history of MP and Chattisgarh, and understand their electoral trends. Participants will build important political skills such as constituency and booth management, team building, campaign design, image and narrative building, value based leadership. 

Applications for Democracy Express 2023 are now closed.

Democracy Express

Our Pedagogy



  • Module-based learning from experts

  • Guest lectures

  • Debates

  • Spaces for dialogue



  • Mentoring

  • Holding environment for learning & sharing

  • Peer collaborative groups

  • Reflective journeys & practices



  • Field immersion and travel

  • Shram daan on campus everyday

  • Service for community

  • Community engagement 

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